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Mit unseren Gewürzetiketten kommen Ihre Gartenkräuter, Gewürze und Gewürzmischungen voll zur Geltung!

Ob in der Dose, Glas oder Tüte - unsere Designvorlagen für Gewürzetiketten verleihen Ihren Gewürzen eine ganz eigenen Stil. Unsere Etiketten sind perfekt für kleine Gläser oder Blechdosen abgestimmt. In unserem Print-Shop finden Sie Designvorlagen hier im Etikettenformat  76 x 37 mm  Weitere Formate finden sie als frei gestaltbare Vorlagen auch im Format 96 x 51 mm, als runde Etiketten oder für besonders kleine Behälter in 65 x 20 mm. Auf Wunsch gestalten wir auch ein neues Etikettdesign für Sie. Unsere selbstklebenden Gewürzetiketten sind mit 5 verschiedenen Papieren - sowohl mit permanentem als auch ablösbarem Klebstoff sowie auf einem trockengummierten oder ungummierten Papier erhältlich. Für große und kleine Gewürzgläser die perfekte Wahl!

Special shine, elegant matt look or no-label look – ensure an impressive appearance of your spice products

No matter whether single-layer or multi-layer labels - decorative stickers for spice products help give your products an attractive appearance at the point of sale. Thanks to their flexible application options, they are an extremely cost-effective way to achieve high-quality product and brand design. A particularly elegant, high-quality look can be achieved particularly through the use of shimmering metallic embossing foils in gold, silver, copper and many other colors.

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We advise you on the legal requirements for food labels

Anyone who wants to sell spices or other foods is responsible for ensuring that the packaging, usually the label, provides complete and easily understandable information about the contents, use and storage. So the marketer must ensure that all ingredients are listed and the nutritional value is detailed. The manufacturer or retailer is also responsible for correct labeling and advertising. The EU Food Regulation No. 1169/2011 of October 25, 2011 regulates the labeling obligations for spices and other foods. In addition to the usual mandatory information, such as the name and address of the person placing the food on the market, filling quantity and best before date (best before date) and batch number, some special information must be provided for foodstuffs. The ingredients, nutrients and storage conditions must also be explained in detail.

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New environmentally friendly packaging: spices in a bag

Environmentally friendly packaging is becoming increasingly important to food and ingredient customers. In addition to environmentally friendly production, the spice packaging should also be recycled in a climate-neutral way. At the same time, however, they must also keep the food hygienically clean and permanently protected from moisture. The variety name and ingredient information on the labels should also inspire professional and amateur chefs in the long term. The labels must not fade, fall off or become scratched after a short period of time.

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