Nutzen Sie Sortenetiketten für Ihren Honig und zeigen Ihren Honigkunden, stets die korrekte Honigsorte an. Verwenden Sie ein einheitliches Produktetikett für alle Sorten und ergänzen Sie es mit der jeweiligen Sorte für Tracht, Sonder-Ernte und/oder Herkunftsbzeichnung. Unsere selbstklebenden Sticker, wie Frühtrachthonig, Sommerblütenhonig, Waldhonig u.v.m. erhalten Sie gedruckt und gestanzt auf Bogen (Format DIN A4) zum direkten Aufkleben. So erhalten Ihre frisch befüllten Gläser schnell ein die richtige Sortenkennzeichung.
Mit unseren fertig gedruckten Etikettenbögen sind Sie besonders praktisch! Aktuell bieten wir die fertigen (selbstklebenden) Sticker auf A4-Bögen in einem Standardformat 32 x 11 m auf weiß mattem Papier. Natürlich realisieren wir auch Ihren Sonderwunsch für andere Sorten oder auf einem dekorativen Papier, seidenglänzend, Leinenstruktur- oder Graspapier - einfach anfragen.
Sortenetiketten "Löwenzahnhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
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Sortenetiketten "Tannenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Tannen- und Fichtenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Wildblütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Strandfliederhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Waldhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Wald- und Blütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Stadthonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Sonnenblumenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Sommertrachthonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Sommerblütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Robinienhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Rapshonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Rapsblütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Obstblütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Akazienhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Lindenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Lavendelhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Landhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Kornblumenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Kleehonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Kirschblütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Heidehonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Frühjahrstrachthonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Frühjahrsblütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Fichtenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Edelkastanien- und Blütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Blütenhonig cremig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Blütenhonig" (Lagerprodukt)
Sortenetiketten "Bayerischer Waldhonig" (Lagerprodukt)

Discover our high-quality variety labels for honey, perfectly tailored to the standards of the German Beekeepers Association for the guarantee closure (GV). Our labels in the 32 x 11 mm format meet the exact requirements of the DIB and enable every beekeeper to label their honey with precise variety labels or personal touches that immediately catch the eye.
According to the “DIB Trademark Regulations”, additional labels can be used to give your quality product an individual touch. Use our variety labels to always present your customers with the correct type of honey. Use a uniform product label for all varieties and supplement it with specific information such as costume, special harvest or designation of origin.
Our self-adhesive stickers, including early honey, summer blossom honey, forest honey and much more, are printed and die-cut on A4 sheets, ready for sticking directly onto your honey jars. This means your freshly filled jars will quickly receive the correct variety labeling and provide your customers with immediate clarity about the contents.
Our pre-made label sheets are particularly practical and time-saving. We currently offer self-adhesive stickers on A4 sheets in standard format 32 x 11 mm on white matt paper. But we go beyond the standard offer and also fulfill your individual wishes, be it for other types or on special paper such as silky gloss, with a linen structure or grass paper. Don't hesitate to contact us and express your special request - we will be happy to help you implement your ideas.
A variety of honey varieties are available in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, each characterized by their unique flavor profiles and areas of origin. The types of honey that are particularly popular in Germany include:
Flower honey : A versatile honey that is obtained from the nectar of different flowers and can have different flavors depending on the region and season.
Forest honey: A strong and aromatic honey that comes primarily from the nectar of forest flowers and trees.
Rapeseed honey : A light and sweet honey obtained from the nectar of rapeseed flowers and often has a creamy consistency.
Acacia honey: A light and very mild honey with a delicate aroma, which is obtained from the flowers of the robinia (acacia) and usually remains liquid.
Heather honey : A dark and strong honey that comes primarily from the nectar of heather flowers and often has a solid consistency.
These are just a few examples of the variety of honeys available in this region. Honey is available in different consistencies, from liquid to creamy. Liquid honey is created when the glucose content is higher and crystallization is delayed, while creamy honey is created through controlled crystallization that results in a fine, soft texture.
The crystallization of honey is a natural process favored by the excess of glucose and the presence of pollen particles in the honey solution. It is a sign of the purity and quality of the honey as it shows that it is unadulterated and unpasteurized. To liquefy crystallized honey again, it can be carefully heated to a maximum of 40 o C without destroying the important enzymes and nutrients.
Weitere wichtige Infos zu Sortenetiketten und Herkunftsangaben